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MEgan Rohrer

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LGBTQ Anthologies


Letters for My Brothers

Letter to my Brothers,  a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, features essays from respected transmen mentors who share the wisdom they wish they would have known at the beginning of their journey into manhood. Available in: Kindle and Lulu

Faithful Books for Adults


Prayers from Norway

Prayers from Norway is a collection of prayers inspired by the 2018 Festival of St. Olav in Trondheim, Norway. These prayers focus on the turmoil and chaos of temporary life and seek to bring hope to worn out, disconnected and hopeless people. Available in: Kindle and Paperback

Faithful Books for Children


Mr. Grumpy Christian

This 12 page rhyming children's book is for children who wonder about loud angry Christians who tell others that they are bad. The book reminds us of all the happy Christians in the world and that God's love is bigger and lasts longer than we can imagine.  Available at: Amazon and Lulu

© 2016-2023 by Megan Rohrer

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